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to Your Red Tent

Throughout history Red Tents have formed part of many ancient cultures as a women-only safe space for gathering, story sharing, learning, holding, bleeding and birthing.


Your Red Tent is a holistic, intimate space where girls, women & people with wombs will gather to learn about the female life cycle, menstruation, pregnancy & birth. To share stories, impart wisdom and support each other throughout each beautiful phase in the female life cycle.


About Me

Nikki Darby

I am a mum of two girls, wife to one, daughter, sister and friend. I am a certified hormone health practitioner, First Moon Circle facilitator, menstrual educator, birthkeeper, birth educator, lactation supporter, circle facilitator & space holder, and a lover of the feminine.


After the birth of my daughters something shifted inside of me and I knew my life path was changing.  Little did I know that this was the beginning of a huge awakening.  I left my corporate job in 2021 and have since been on a personal journey of unlearning, learning and reclaiming.  I am on a journey with no real destination and all I know is that I want to share the knowledge I have been gathering for the past 4 years, with as many women & families as I can. 


I wholeheartedly believe all women hold wisdom, power & instinctive senses, but we have been subconsciously & consciously told/taught to disconnect and bury deep within us.  It is time to reconnect, reclaim and step into our power. 

This is an image of me. You can see my face, I am smiling.

YOUR space for growth, transformation, learning, celebration and support. 

My Approach

My approach is gentle, nurturing, holistic and radical.


I am here to share knowledge & wisdom from the areas I am trained in. 


I will not tell you what to do, but will hold the space needed as you work through what is right for you and your family.


I cannot empower you, because I do not hold your power. But I can support & hold you as you empower yourself.


I wholeheartedly believe all women already possess their power, wisdom and intuition, we may just need a little support locating it and releasing it.

Image by Natracare.  Period products.


Menstruation support for all ages.  Holistic addition to school period education for children.

Image by Anita Austvika

Rites of Passage

Wisdom & ceremonies for the five physical rites of passage females journey through 

This is a photo of an altar for a women's circle I held.

Women's Circles

Sacred learning & sharing Circle's for women of all ages 

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